Hello to you all,

We have had another wonderful season of weddings this year with a total of 13 couples tying the knot so congratulations to you all.

The new wedding marquee has been a great success, with each couple able to put their own personal touches to it and really make the weekend their own.

Its been great to see people really making the most of the whole weekend and location. This year we have seen couples have sports days, beach games and even one groom surfing the day of his wedding.

Lets not forget about the food though. We are proud to recommend our local suppliers who we feel do a really good job and compliment the location well. Whether its a mobile pizza van, hog roast or fine dining we have a number of local suppliers that we would be happy to recommend.

We are almost full for next year but have one space still free in June 2017 so please get in touch if this is for you info@harvestmoonholidays.com


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